September Planting in Arizona

September is here and if your living in Arizona it hopefully means cooler temperature. If your a gardener I know your definitely looking forward to getting one last harvest in. 

So what can you grow?  I'm in 7b so I have a few choices on my last harvest. Our first frost is about November 10th so that gives me about 70 days. I've already started my seeds and in another week and half I'll start another set of lettuce to keep the crop coming in. This way I can avoid buying some lettuce. I've built some new planter boxes that I'm thrilled to put into use!

Before I move forward these boxes I'm using the Hugelkultur Method. First time using it but I've done a lot of research on it. Basically instead of filling these bad boys up with dirt, I'm throwing in logs, branches, leaves and other biodegradable material then the last layer will be some premium dirt...OH and wiggler worms.

I'm concentrating on some short harvest times. Lettuce, radishes and carrots will be my fall garden. 

Harvest Times

  • Lettuce has a 45-55 day 
  • Radish has 22 to 70 day
  • Carrots has about 75 day

So if you haven't gotten your seeds started, for those in Arizona 7b zone, do so by September 13th at the latest!